Procedure Information

What do I need to do to prepare for the test(s)?

  • Wear clothes that allow easy access to the tops of your arms and legs otherwise you may need to change into a hospital gown.
  • Please do not apply moisturisers, lotions, creams, oils, or ointments (this includes fake tans) on the day of the procedure as they can make it difficult and interfere with results.
  • Wearing loose fitting clothes will make examination easier as it may not require you to undress. Your clinician may ask that you remove your shoes/sock/tights or stocking if your legs need to examined as part of the procedure.
  • Avoid wearing jewellery or minimise jewellery as we may require it to remove prior to the procedure.
    Continue to take any medicines as usual it is also helpful if you could bring a list of these with you to your scheduled appointment.
  • Where possible ensure your hands and feet are warm for the test.
  • Contact our medical administration team on 07786122388 if you have a cardiac pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD), any other implanted device for which you have had batteries inserted under your skin or taking medications listed as we may need more information.

Medication – Please notify us if you are on any of the following

  • Warfarin or any other anticoagulant medications (e.g rivaroxaban or apixaban), you may be required to bring any alert cards you have, if you are taking warfarin please have your INR booklet with test dates and results if required/possible.
  • Anti-platelet medication such as aspirin, clopidogrel, prasugrel or ticagrelor etc.
  • Botox (botulinum toxin) – injections for medical or cosmetic reasons, these injections can affect tests, it is important that we know to avoid any misinterpretation of results.

What happens during the procedure?

The nerve conduction study will be performed by a consultant neurophysiologist. This usually involves small electrical currents to stimulate your nerves in your arms and/or legs.

  • Pads or rings will be placed on your skin.
  • You will feel a tingling or tapping sensation from the pads/rings.
  • The response of your nerve is then recorded from a pad placed further along the nerve and to the EMG computer.
  • Different nerves are tested, recorded and analysed to compare and see which, if any, are affected.

If you also need an EMG this will be performed after the nerve conduction study and will also be carried out by the consultant neurophysiologist.

  • A very fine electrode needle (similar to an acupuncture needle) will be placed into the muscle.
  • You will be asked to make the muscle move (for example by bending your arm).
  • The fine needle will record the electrical signals the muscle is producing or their nerve supply. The activity detected will be displayed on a computer.

The needle will be in place for a few seconds and will be quickly withdrawn if you feel any discomfort.

Any More Questions?


What happens after the test & when will I get the results?

  • After your appointment it will be safe for you return home or to work promptly after the test.
  • S&B Diagnostics will aim to send the report to the patient and referrer and or GP within a week of your procedure.

What are the risks associated with the procedures?

No current evidence to show of any side effects for nerve conduction studies. With EMG procedures there is a chance of aches for the next day or so where the needle was inserted otherwise it is exceptionally rare to experience any issues post procedure, however if you do go on to have any persistent redness or swelling, contact your GP. This could be an indicator of possible infection and would be easily treatable. The electrode needles use are disposable and single use for each patient.

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