Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Electromyography?
  • What is a Nerve Conduction Study?
  • What is a Somatosensory Evoked Potential Test (SSEP)?
  • What are the benefits of an EMG?
  • Why would I have a NCS or EMG?
  • Are there any alternatives?
  • Will I feel any pain?
  • How long will the procedure take?
  • What happens after the test?
  • When will I get the results?
What is Electromyography?

EMG is an abbreviation for Electromyography. EMG is a diagnostic test to measure electrical activity in your muscles. The term EMG is often referred to by clinicians for both EMG and nerve conduction studies.

What is a Nerve Conduction Study?

Nerve conduction studies comprise the measurement of the electrical function of nerves in your arms and legs. Depending on your symptoms and referral, you may require one or both of these procedures.

What is a Somatosensory Evoked Potential Test (SSEP)?

A SSEP will be performed by a clinical physiologist. It is a way of stimulating the nerves in the arm and leg with electrical impulses and recording the response from the brain and other parts of the body. The responses are recorded by a computer and the tests interpreted afterwards by a doctor in the department.

What are the benefits of an EMG?

The benefit of these tests is that they will show how your nerves and muscles are working which will help your doctor to diagnose if there are any problems so that he/she can advise on any appropriate treatment.

Why would I have a NCS or EMG?

These are currently the only tests to help aid in obtaining the information to confirm a diagnosis, distinguish or exclude conditions of neuromuscular disorders. These test results are also beneficial in supporting further management of disorders/diseases.

Are there any alternatives?

Scans such as an MRI can be beneficial to provide information however EMG is currently the only diagnostic to get the information of the muscle function we need.

Will I feel any pain?

You will experience some discomfort with both EMG and NCS however these procedures are well usually tolerated easily by patients. If you do experience discomfort which cannot be tolerated the procedure can be quickly withdrawn and testing stopped

How long will the procedure take?

Procedure times can vary depending on problems being analysed but are estimated from 30 minutes – 1 ½ hours.

What happens after the test?

After your appointment, it will be safe for your to return home or to work promptly after the test.

When will I get the results?

S&B diagnostics will aim to send the report to the patient and referrer and or GP within a week of your procedure.

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