About our Diagnostic Services

About S&B Diagnostics

Founder Mr. Rafid Al-Mahfoudh an extensively trained Neurosurgeon launched S&B Diagnostics in 2020. S&B Diagnostics is comprised of a highly experienced team including consultant Clinical Neurophysiologists. Our expert clinicians perform tests such as nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) which aid in assessing suspected disorders/diseases of the peripheral nerves or muscles.

S&B Diagnostics ltd is a CQC registered healthcare company for diagnostics and screening procedures. www.cqc.org.uk https://www.cqc.org.uk/provider/1-9158071382

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Diagnostic Services

Why would I need Neurophysiology?

Neurophysiology assesses the function of the nervous system. Tests, performed by a consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist, such as nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyograph (EMG) can help in assessing suspected disorders/diseases of the peripheral nerves or muscles. The test results may also help your doctor decide on which treatment option is best for you.

Common reasons for referral include:

Peripheral neuropathies, including demyelinating neuropathies
Entrapment neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome or ulnar neuropathy
Radiculopathies (nerve root compression)
Motor neurone disease
Muscle diseases

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